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Canvas and Framed Canvas

Warp-Resistant construction, Ready to hang, Sealed Finish Backing, Mounted on High Density Wood Fiberboard. Floating Frames available in White, Black and Walnut Finishes.


Photographic Print

Prints mounted on the highest quality mounting options on the market today. They will not warp, tear or bend over time.


Fine Art Matted Prints

Museum quality archival print with mats that are archival certified, meaning that both the frame and the back panel are made of pure cotton paper, thickness 1/8” each, 1/4” combined.The printing technology and the hand made archival mat will decor and adapt to any interior design, ready to be framed. Your stunning portraits will proudly tower over anything else!


Metal Prints

Infused images right onto the surface of a solid sheet of metal, bright saturated colors and a spectacular shine. Waterproof and Scratch resistant.


Photo Books & Albums

Elegant high-end photo books and albums. All made with thick durable photo paper. Lay flat Books and Albums come in a variety of sizes and cover choices.


Legacy Box

Promotes an everlasting touching tie linking all emotions. This is what the Legacy name is all about. The jewel of craftsmanship, the ultimate treasure chest for precious memories for future generations.

The stylish lid, elegant and fashionable like a tapestry, printed directly on Italian leather or canvas. The lid is secured by four magnets embedded carefully in the material, hidden from view.